Sunday, 7 March 2010

Hello Readers!

Thanks for joining me on this journey, since that's what this is really, for both you and I. One can only hope that we both enjoy exploring all the alleyways, avenues and pathways of what goes on in the mind of someone who has that strange proclavity to write. But you could argue that we're all writer's these days, right? I suppose I just want to take it that one little step further.
You'll no doubt learn about what I'm looking into, my current ideas and thinking and what I'm raking around that strange creative cosmos called the imagination for as well as my passions both good and bad. You decide which are good and bad. I'm madly in love with Romantic poet, William Blake for example. Yes, I know, a dead poet! But he intrigues me and beguiles me too. I'm curious about Leonardo Da Vinci too. See, I keep going for older men! Well dead men. Not great material for dating but pretty good for the creative and restless mind.
I guess I should begin by saying a little bit about myself. Seems like the obvious thing to do, doesn't it? I mean isn't that what we do when we read a novel, get to know and explore a whole new set of characters or the at least the main protagonists in a story, movie, play or in a TV series? I'm interested in creative writing in most of it's forms. given that I'm essentially a very visual writer I can't really see me ever writing for the radio, I'm afraid. That requires a special skills set that I'm not fully convinced I possess. I get a real thrill from writing and it's probably when I'm doing something creative that I actually feel more alive than at any other time in my life, save for being with those I love and care about. I write, because yes, I enjoy in immensely but also because I have to write and I have something to say. Whether someone wants to listen to it or read is another matter entirely, isn't it? I just have to hope that they do and will do so in the future. I studied creative writing and English Literature as a mature student at university but really I've been into creative writing for a long time now. Perhaps being half Yorkshire makes me feel I have something to say since I've observed since moving to Yorkshire that folk from this part of the country aren't backwards at coming forwards with their thoughts and opinions so maybe through some informal form of osmosis from living here quite some time I've caught some of that desire to speak my mind when the need arises.
Just to get the proverbial ball rolling, I've been giving the art of writing and reading some thought. You see in a sense I'm on the inside looking out and you're on the outside looking in. We work from two opposing positions and yet they seem to compliment each other wonderfully. But then writers also have to readers too. Perhaps there's a basis of thought there that we are those strange creatures who do morph between two distinct states of mind. Hopefully as you read this your imagination is being promted by the text from this faceless scribbler, whilst I'm trying to imagine that you're sat there reading this. I'm trying to imagine whole hoards of people reading this but that might be stretching things a little too far and especially at this early stage. Speaking of early stages, I hope you'll forgive the layout on the page. I'm new to this whole blogging craze but I hope to improve and we one day go from the proverbial black and white to colour TV. HD and 3D might be pushing things however. I'm given to believe that you can add images and links to other pages and sites. *Note to self: Must look that one up!* Have I mentioned that I have a nutty, daft sense of humour yet? I won't say anymore and let you discover that and more besides for yourselves. I say, yourselves; when in fact there could be an audience of one out there. Hey, if there is then that's fine too. I quite like the initmacy of speaking directly one to one so even if the crowd explodes to two readers, please just imagine that I'm speaking to you - because I am.
Here in this space you'll probably see me post bit and pieces of ideas, thoughts, inspiration or current bits of projects floating around in my mind - that's why it's called, "Writer's Bloc! (Inside a writer's mind) after all! Above all I hope it's fun to come and have a little meander.
So, without further ado, I'll leave you to live your life and I wish you all the best gifts that life can bring. Please feel free to endure/enjoy any mutterings, scribbles and nonsenses, as and when they arise here at your leisure.
As always, thank you for taking time out of your day and reading. Bless you! Hope to see you soon.